To those who have an interest:
Put on your iPhone, or other device that plays mp3s,
all or some of these relaxation recordings and/or others you find or Iist here later.

If it works better for you, simply click on a blue link and play that relaxation recording straight from your computer.

You can also save the recordings to a CD using your computer.

Keep the link to this page so that you can easily return to it.

Susan, Dr. Griffith                                                              

Click on a blue underlining to go to the webpage.

There are a lot more out there, so tell me if you want me to look for, and post here, a particular type of recording (man's vs. woman's voice, type of music, etc.) 

Email me at with suggestions for and problems with this page.

Dartmouth College Relaxation

New York University Calming Corner

Hobart and William Smith Colleges
      to go directly to a relaxation recordings from that page click
               1. (man's voice) or
              2. (woman's voice with perhaps a different and/or longer recording)

You can click on this page below to hear and use a number of relaxation recordings by clicking directly on them.

NEW: Dr. Cooper's Relaxation Recording (mp3)